Are you looking to run your own radio stream hosting company? Maybe you have a lot of radio stations and you need a server that can handle them. ReliaStream's reseller servers are great for clients who require more! More stations, more control, and more listener slots!
Once your first payment is made you will have instant access to your new reseller server. You will have the ability to create your own SHOUTcast v1, SHOUTcast v2, and IceCast servers. You can add auto dj and hard drive space to these accounts. Select the amount of listeners and go! If you are a selling these accounts you will make money. These reseller servers are very durable and all of our reseller servers feature premium bandwidth.
Our reseller servers now feature free Centova secure links and widgets.. Works on Google Chrome and secure web sites!
Select your perfect Reseller Hosting plan
Reseller Hosting Features
Centova Cast Control Panel
All of our reseller plans come with Centova Cast
Centova Cast is the leader
Centova Cast is the leading management solution for Internet radio streams, providing extensive insight and control to online broadcasters. Whether you're a radio newbie or a seasoned streaming professional, Centova Cast makes it easy to configure your stream. In addition to providing total control over your streaming server, Centova Cast also provides you with a free autoDJ system. You can stream live with your pc, use Centova Cast autoDJ, or both!
Centova Cast Features
Centova Cast allows you to easily:
- Upload your MP3 media files directly to the server via FTP and schedule their media using Centova Cast's advanced playlist scheduling system.
- Centova Cast's media library offers a familiar, desktop-style drag and drop media management interface.
- Centova Cast supports multiple playlists for each stream, which can be scheduled to play media at certain times or according to specific criteria.
- Centova Cast provides widgets that station owners can embed in their own web pages, or may use through the Stream Start Page.
- Centova Cast offers the most comprehensive radio station statistics commercially available today.
- Centova Cast provides monthly, downloadable spreadsheets containing the complete list of songs you've played on your stream in the past month,

Premium Bandwidth
All of our ReliaStream reseller servers feature top rate premuim bandwidth.
What's the difference?
When ReliaStream says premium bandwidth it's just that.. premium. These are typically companies that provide more reliable connections that don't experience trouble too often versus your cheaper bandwidth which may be a little less in quality. All ReliaStream dedicated servers have premium bandwidth and that is very important when it comes to radio streaming.
Did you know?
- We have reseller servers in the USA, London, & Amsterdam
- You can upgrade your plan if things are going great for you!
- You get a lot of Xeon power for a little bit of money.

No Branding Here!
ReliaStream reseller servers are 100% unbranded. This means our ReliaStream name is nowhere to be found on your reseller server. Your customers are just that.. YOURS! Our reseller servers only feature an IP based login URL and IP based tune in links. This keeps your server 100% unbranded. Just the way you like it.
Make it your own!
- You can add your logo to the upper right corner of your Centova Cast panel
- No ReliaStream branding on our reseller server.. No worries

Have A Question?
If you can't find the answer you are looking for our support is just an email away.
We have resellers that have been reselling with us since the beginning (2008). That says a lot and some of our resellers have 2 and 3 different accounts for maximum coverage.
We are former fm broadcasters, music directors, program directors, dj's, and everything else music related. You get great results with people who love radio and music as much as we do.
We're always looking to improve every aspect of our business. From more features, better servers, more locations, ect.
Secure links and widgets are a must now a days. Standard links and widgets no longer work on browsers like Google Chrome. Our reseller servers now feature secure radio tune in links as well as secure widgets that can be placed on your web site 100% secure.