Amazon Alexa Radio App Is Here!
Every internet radio broadcaster knows you have to get your listeners from as many locations as you can! Our new Amazon Alexa App (better known as Amazon Alexa Skills) may be the answer for you. With millions of Alexa enabled Amazon Echo devices already sold (over 100 million since Jan 2019), getting in on the action early and making your Radio Station available to all of these users would certainly get you more listeners for your station.
NOW is a great time to get your own Radio Skill and get ahead of the crowd.
Many Radio Stations are already taking advantage of broadcasting to these homes by getting Alexa to play their stations with a simple Alexa, Start My Radio Station. In fact, without even advertising our test skills, we have seen hundreds of people tuning into our demo radio skills. This shows that people are actively looking for new Alexa Skills and new radio stations to stream throughout their homes and Amazon Alexa enabled devices.
Alexa Apps Designed By Our Team

How do Alexa Apps (Skills) work? You can click on any of the Alexa radio stations listed above. Be sure to ENABLE that app (skill) and then say Alexa and the command line shown on that apps page. You can go to your Alxea app on your mobile device. Click on the 3 bars top left corner and choose Skills & Games. Search your radio station app (skill) and ENABLE it there.
Amazon Alexa App $18.95 USD Per Month Per Station