We have received many requests to revamp our free trial servers and we have delivered! We have eliminated the sample size free trial servers and replaced them with full access servers. You will
now be able to fully test your desired radio plan for 14 days. The other major upgrade is your free trial server will convert over to a paid plan if you choose to continue the service. This means
you do not have to start over after your 14 day trial. If you decide to continue your service after the free trial pay the invoice and your service automatically switches to a paid
You are permitted one free trial every 30 days
Go to your desired USA, Canada, or London radio plan
Choose 14 Days Trial during checkout (preferred method of payment area)
Power Packs, sale items, and other services may qualify
If you see a green FREE TRIAL tag you can try it before you buy it
During your free trial we will send you friendly reminder emails
Step 2
Step 3
Please Note: If you are streaming live from your studio be sure to choose a server location that is close to you. If you are in the USA be sure to choose a USA based server. If you are overseas then we suggest you get a London based server. The more hops you have to go through to get to our server the more issues you COULD have when streaming live. The closer you are to our server the better the results. If you are getting spotty results with your streaming you can request to be placed on a different server. Contact the ReliaStream support team and we will place you on a different server.
Happy Broadcasting :-)
Team ReliaStream