US Server 2 Secure Upgrade Completed

  • Sunday, 15th March, 2020
  • 11:14am

ReliaStream is happy to announce this server (US Server 2) is now fully secure. Your radio server now features secure proxy links at no extra charge to you. The Centova Cast panel, widgets, and the new Secure Proxy Links on this server are secure. We had to update each radio account manually for this to start working. You DO NOT have to change your live broadcast settings. 



Your Username and Password are the same.. Your settings are the same.. Your original tune in links are the same (non-secure). 


You will want to do the following...

1. Do not press the Update button as this may revert back to your old settings

2. Press Log Out to fully log out of your Centova Cast server

3. Log back into your Centova Cast panel using the new secure link

4. Do a quick server restart or stop and start your server for final settings update 

5. Click on Quick Links area to view your new Secure Proxy Links

6. You can use secure proxy links & widgets on your web site in a secure manner now

7. Secure Proxy links also work with the Responsive Radio HTML Player

8. Secure Proxy Links work on Google Chrome

9. Secure Proxy Links work on Android & Apple (with our test devices). 

11. Tested and working on the free Muses radio player

12. If you have multiple mount points these will work by adding mount at the end of the link (ex. /stream or /stream2)


Centova Cast widgets are now secure and should work on your web site. Log into the secure url, go to your widgets, and copy/paste new code (with https in code) on your web site. Keep in mind if there are non-https items on your web page this will not be secure. If you host your album covers offsite in a non-https format this will not display secure lock. Everything on your web site must be secure for widgets to display the secure lock. 

Your regular tune in links are NOT secure.. You must use the link provided in the Secure Proxy Links area.

The secure proxy links work on Google. We also tested these links on the Muses radio player. These links also work with our responsive radio player. We have updated our help pages as well as our Muses radio player page to help guide you with these new links. 

You do not have to make any changes to your live broadcast settings. No changes are required.


Centova Cast Server Links



We hope this helps those who relied on Google Chrome for listeners (just about everyone). We are also attempting to reach TuneIN web site support members to see if these links work on their TuneIN web site while using Google Chrome. Still waiting for a reply.

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