NOW ACTIVE: New Texas Server With SHOUTcast & IceCast V2

  • Monday, 12th February, 2018
  • 10:05am

Hello ReliaStream members. We have some fantastic news for you. There is a new Dallas Texas server here at ReliaStream.
 This server features SHOUTcast v1 and SHOUTcast v2 as all of our servers do. This server also features IceCast v2 (Not KH) like most of our servers. This is awesome news for broadcasters who prefer to stream with IceCast v2 software. We only had one other server in the USA that features IceCast v2 and that server has more IceCast v2 accounts on it then SHOUTcast v1 and v2 combined!

We are starting to see the demand for IceCast v2 servers so we are very happy to offer a new USA server with IceCast v2. The server is now active and ready to provide you and your station with top teir bandwidth. 

Enjoy :-)
ReliaStream Team
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